
How we operate

From an analysis of the client’s needs to getting the job done

Each work has its own specific characteristics, which Mubre is able to recognise and follow to guarantee clients a result that lives up to their expectations.

Being one of the leading Italian companies in the construction sector gives us a broad overview of each work, and an informed picture of the complexity of each challenge that allows us to combine people, resources, equipment, technology and materials into a coherent workflow, guided by consolidated procedures that are constantly updated thanks to our impassioned approach, study, training and research, based on listening to and engaging with project engineers and clients.

Discover the main activities carried out by Mubre for the construction of public and private works, buildings and strategic infrastructures.


from the analysis of the client’s needs to the cost estimate

Our team is able to respond to the needs (or requests, etc.) of the client and to their project specifications, offering the most appropriate solutions and also suggesting improvements, so that the client’s desired objectives can be achieved, guaranteeing a swift, high-quality service with a close eye on sustainability.

Building Information Modeling (BIM):

digital technology for building

Our knowledge of the BIM method allows Mubre to work even more efficiently, teaming the experience and intuition of our people with latest-generation software able to provide a detailed, highly realistic representation of each project, bringing significant advantages at every stage.

Construction site scheduling:

procedures, vehicles, resources

Construction work begins when Mubre’s expert, constantly trained staff put into practice the operating framework established by the Quality, Safety and Environmental Certifications. Once the project has been analysed, thanks to the expertise and knowledge acquired over the years in similar situations with comparable requirements, the next stage is to programme the resources that will be required on the construction site.

Construction site management:

from the first stone to the last detail

On the construction sites, Mubre staff are involved in carrying out the specific tasks assigned to them, with their everyday activities putting into practice the points defined at the programming stage to ensure a quality performance that guarantees everyone’s safety and well-being, paying maximum attention to the environment.

Quality, Safety, Environment:

the three pillars of building work

Mubre has obtained Certifications for our Quality, Safety and Environmental Management Systems. These certifications have been renewed for years, demonstrating our commitment to these areas. For Mubre, the three pillars on which the operations of every modern business should be founded are the basis of the activities we carry out every day, and are present throughout every stage of the work we do.
