For many years, the company has taken part in work experience initiatives with secondary schools and other local educational institutions, in addition to forging links with universities around placements and internships.
Many students have chosen Mubre for their first taste of the world of work over the years, and we make sure we provide them with close support as they work through their daily tasks. It’s a fantastic opportunity for the personal and professional development of the students – and a core ethical commitment for the company.
Every professional experience at Mubre is carefully planned in collaboration with figures at the schools and universities involved, in order to ensure students have the best possible chance to grow in confidence and become more independent.
Liceo Ginnasio Statale
"G.B. Brocchi"
Liceo Scientifico
Jacopo da Ponte
ITET "L. Einaudi"
ITET Aulo Ceccato
ITET Pasini
ITS G.Girardi
IIS G. A. Remondini
New Cambridge Institute
Università di Trento
Università di Padova
Scuola Costruzioni Vicenza Andrea Palladio
Scuola Edile C.P.T
ITS RED Academy
work experience students
from secondary schools
placement students
placement students from other
educational institutions